Re-awakening the Dream

"Abraham believed when he stood in the presence of the God who gives life to dead people and calls into existence things that don't even exist. When there was nothing left to hope for, Abraham still hoped and believed. As a result, he became a father of many nations, as he had been told: "That is how many descendants you will have." Abraham didn't weaken. Through faith he regarded the facts: His body was already as good as dead now that he was about a hundred years old, and Sarah was unable to have children. He didn't doubt God's promise out of a lack of faith. Instead, giving honor to God for the promise, he became strong because of faith and was absolutely confident that God would do what he promised. That is why his faith was regarded as God's approval of him." Romans 4:17-22, GWV.

We go through times in our lives when we can become cynical with those who believe that the Lord is going to do anything different in their lives. We can have a hard time envisioning a different world because we have experienced enough disappointments and blows against us and are jaded from the belief that life can and will be any different than it is today. 

As we come away from Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, I am impressed again by his faith to believe for a different world than the one that he was living in. He was a modern example to us that there are many areas of justice, ministry, and mercy the Lord desires His people to be the solution for in our world. God is still looking for dreamers. 

I pray you will meditate on the verses above. Within them you will see how the Lord encouraged Abraham to participate in a different world. Here is a brief outline:

1) He spent time in the presence of the Lord.

2) He knew the Lord's ability.

3) He put His hope in God's power.

4) He exercised his faith in God's promise.

5) He persevered without doubt.

6) He honored God during the in-between time.

7) He placed his confidence in God, not himself.

Spend some time with these verse and receive the encouragement the Lord has for you today. We are called to so much more. Let's change the world of someone today. Let's do great things with God!