What a Year!

Be patient, then, brothers and sisters, until the Lord’s coming. See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop, patiently waiting for the autumn and spring rains.
James 4:7, New International Version

What a year it has been. We can all probably remember where we were when they told us we were going to lock down for 14 days to "flatten the curve." Well, 365 days later we are still trying to flatten the curve. As I was meditating upon this, the verse above came to mind.

There are many verses on patience in the bible and none of them are immediately appreciated. However, all verses on patience are meant to be a blessing, not a curse. Patience is what the Lord uses to train us and shape us into the image of Jesus.

Imagine Jesus having to wait for 30 years before He could reveal the fulfillment of God's ageless promise. It would be hard for me to keep a secret for that long. Imagine Jesus waiting three years to finish training those who would carry the message of the Kingdom of God and waiting to complete His mission as the sacrificial Lamb. Now imagine Him waiting over 2000 years for you to come fully into His presence someday.

Waiting is one of the chief developers of our spirituality. James reminds us that we are like farmers. We plant and then wait. Our challenge is that we live in a world of "hacks" that try to circumvent the patience process. We want to lose weight, get flat abs, get rich, and get really spiritual all in the promised 14 days to flatten the curve. Let's remember, waiting is part of the promise.

As we come to the weekly Sabbath, remember that the Lord built rest into our life rhythms as a way to teach us patience. Take the day. Whatever is more important than the Sabbath, "It can wait." The promise of His coming stands true. Let's trust Him in our waiting.

Love, Pastor Stuart