Good Shepherd - Gentle Shepherd

He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young.
Isaiah 40:11, New International Version

The verse above has warmed my heart through many seasons. It was spoken to the people of Israel during a time when they were without hope. The entire chapter speaks of God's comfort, power, and restoration. Like so many promises of the bible, it reveals the amazing eternal character of Father God.

As we were reminded this past Sunday, the Lord is a shepherd. A shepherd is one that cares for each of his sheep with a passion to see them be healthy, safe, and prosperous. When we read that He tends us, His flock, like a shepherd, we should immediately come to a place of rest and peace, because we no longer have to control our world. That is His role.

The beautiful imagery of the shepherd gathering the lambs in his arms and carrying them close to his heart may be a revelation for you. I had the blessing of sporadically attending a church as a child that had a stained-glass image of Jesus carrying a lamb right over the altar. I have no idea what the pastor said, but I remember meditating upon that picture over the years and that memory, to this day, brings me peace.

The tenderness of the shepherd is the dominant theme of this verse. He gathers, he carries, he has us close to his heart and he gently leads us. So many people have a picture of God in their minds as a taskmaster or judge. This is a far cry from the image Isaiah gives us. God wants us close. He wants to care for every detail of our lives.

If you have been weighed down by worries, fears, guilt, or shame because you feel that you have failed the Lord or that He expects more from you than you are giving, take a look at the Gentle Shepherd. Let Him gather you and allow you to hear His loving heart. This is His desire for you today.

Love, Pastor Stuart