The Light of Confidence

The Lord is my light and my salvation—
whom shall I fear?
Psalm 27:1a, New International Version

David's song in Psalm 27 picks up the theme of the Lord being his light and his salvation. As we have looked in John chapter 8, when Jesus declares Himself as the "light of the world," his light is very much tied to salvation. Those who are "saved" by Jesus have been transferred from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light. (Colossians 1:12-14)

Everyone has had the experience of being afraid in the dark, or at least awkwardly cautious. We neither have the capacity to see what is near us and are without the ability to walk with safety and security. However, once our life is lit with the salvation of the Lord, not only does our fear disappear, we gather confidence in what is in front of us.

The Lord wants us to be able to walk in this kind of confidence. Without the saving grace of Jesus, we are stumbling, lost, and do not have security in this life. WIth Jesus, we find ourselves in His care, knowing that He is taking care of the details of our life.

The darkness we experience from living in this world can be dispelled by Jesus. He wants to "save us" from it by bringing us close to Himself. While we do not know the future, He is already there. When we are hurting because of the brokenness of this world, He will light our hearts to experience His peace. Because He is our light, we never need to be fearful of the dark again.

Love, Pastor Stuart