What Do You Know?

He replied, “Whether he is a sinner or not, I don’t know. One thing I do know. I was blind but now I see!”
John 9:25, New International Version

Near the end of the story of the man born blind that we looked at yesterday, he is questioned again by the Pharisees. It is a great illustration of how different people view Jesus. Some don't know what to think, some diminish who He is (maybe a sinner, prophet, or good teacher), and some receive Him as Lord of their lives. Even today, the world is still confused about who Jesus is.

Everyone must determine for themselves if they will allow their eyes to be opened. Thankfully, we have the truth of the bible and the testimony of other believers to help us understand who He. However, the reality of this man's story and ours is that we know we had an encounter with Jesus.

Most believers feel like they don't have enough "bible knowledge" to lead someone to Christ, These Pharisees had the whole Old Testament memorized but were unable to see that Jesus was the fulfillment of those scriptures. It is not knowledge that one needs, it is an encounter with Jesus. Once you meet Him, all the study and practice simply bring us closer to Him.

I love how this man answers the Pharisees. "One thing I do know, I was blind but now I see!" His knowledge was his experience. In the same way, walking daily with Jesus is the answer to sharing Jesus with others. Everyone is looking to meet the living Jesus who lives in us. Let's continue to pray for opportunities to share His life with others. He will open their eyes.

Have a wonderful day.

Love, Pastor Stuart