How Safe is Safe?

"I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved.”
John 10:9, New International Version

This week we looked at Jesus as the door or gate to the sheepfold. He uses this metaphor to tell His listeners that He is the entrance to salvation. Any other way into the sheepfold is illegitimate. This is such a powerful statement that the Pharisees could not comprehend what He was saying. Jesus had to tell them three different ways in John 10 to get His point across.

What caught my attention was verse 9. He makes this definitive and exclusive statement. "I am the entryway." That's it. There is no other way. However, along with the declaration comes an invitation. "Whoever enters through me will be saved." Let's take this statement slowly.

"Whoever..." This is an open invitation to everyone. While Jesus is the exclusive way to heaven, the invitation goes out to all people. You can hear the encouragement to come within the words.

"Enters through Me..." We have to come in. Throughout the gospel of John, there are strong words against casual following. Just as we are to "love the Lord our God with all of our heart, mind, and strength," we are to follow Jesus with a passion. Come in, jump in, follow closely.

"Will be saved..." There is a little asterisk on that word in my bible. The reason for this is that the word, "saved" can have three meanings. I think all of them are fitting and significant for us. The first way we can see being saved is the most complete. We are saved eternally. We are saved from our sins. We are saved.

The second way to translate this word means to be "safe." When we come to Jesus and enter His sheepfold, we are now safe. Safe from the wolves and robbers. Safe from the enemy of our soul. Safe from care. Most people live in a perpetual state of anxiety. We now have drugs, meditation, breathing apps, and "hacks" to keep our anxiety levels from being overwhelming. While I understand these may help, knowing we are safe in Jesus is a good way to take the anxiety level down.

The last way to look at this is to be "rescued." The word saved means that when we come through the gate of Christ, we are now rescued from our sin, self, and Satan's influence over us. He has rescued us from the kingdom of darkness and transferred us to His Holy Kingdom.

A great way to start today, and every day, is to celebrate that we have been saved, we are safe, and we are rescued from the darkness. Take a moment to thank Jesus today for being our gateway to heaven.

Have a wonderful day.

Love, Pastor Stuart