The Best Way to Talk

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.
Ephesians 4:29, NIV

This week we looked at these verses in Ephesians 4 as an overview of what great communication should look like. Since communicating is the path to intimacy with others and the Lord God, it is important for us to master these verses. In this verse, we have three key elements to practice.

The first element has to do with words that no longer fit the mouth of a disciple of Jesus. The word unwholesome means "rotten," and can stand for any language that you wouldn't use if Jesus were standing there. Cursing, cynical, faithless, gossip, and negative words are no longer to be a part of our vocabulary. Beyond dishonoring the Lord, it is a sign that our hearts are not yielded and that we are not willing to take our spiritual life to the next level. While we all catch ourselves speaking negatively or inappropriately, we are commanded to not let it happen.

The second element is that the words we speak should only be used for building up. I often catch myself speaking negatively about random topics, such as the state of the world or faith or the weather or sometimes even people. The hearer is never built up from these conversations. Even if we stay neutral, it is like tearing down because it does not build others up. In every conversation, we should endeavor to make it a constructive conversation.

The last element is to take into consideration what the needs of the hearer are. We often speak from our own vantage point and don't consider how our words are helping others. Everyone has a need for healing, encouragement, and support. When we consider where people are at and become more aware of our ministry opportunity, our language will change to benefit and bless them.

While these verses seem difficult to move towards and master, that is the call of the Lord God on our lives. Let's not shrink back, but engage the Holy Spirit to help us become Jesus to those around us who need a touch from Him. Let's get started today.

Love, Pastor Stuart