Wanted: Christmas Cookies!

VLC Christmas Cookie Potluck, Sunday, December 20, 2015

chocolate Christmas cookie

Is there a Christmas cookie recipe or holiday treat that you have wanted to share with friends and family, but didn't have the opportunity? Well, now you do!

Since we are making Christmas a long weekend and not gathering on Sunday, December 27, we're moving our shared meal to this Sunday. Instead of bringing main dishes and salads, please bring  Christmas cookies, treats, or a dessert to share! Thank you!


Make Christmas a Long Weekend!

Christmas gift wrap

With our Christmas Eve Gathering on Thursday and Christmas Day being on Friday, we have decided to make Sunday, December 27, a day of rest. Since we will not be gathering at VLC on Sunday, December 27, please join us for our other Christmas gatherings on Sunday, December 20, at 10am and/or Christmas Eve at 6pm. Both events will be here at VLC. All are welcome!

Please take this opportunity of a free Sunday to continue the Christmas celebration with your family and friends wherever you find yourself that morning.

Operation Christmas Child

Changing lives one shoebox gift at a time!

For the last few years Valley Life Church and Santa Clara Christian School have been partnering with Operation Christmas Child to provide shoebox gifts to children in developing countries, so that they can have the opportunity to celebrate Christmas and hear the story of God's love through Jesus.

This year we have the opportunity to either pack a shoebox gift on our own, pack shoebox gifts together, or both.

On Sunday, November 15, we will be collecting and packing Operation Christmas Child shoebox gifts at our worship gathering. Our goal is at least 100 boxes. We will be filling boxes as a part of our worship gathering. Please click here to sign-up and to let us know what you would like to bring to contribute to the packing party.

We will be focusing on the 5–9 year old age group for our packing party. If you want to provide a shoebox gift for a younger or older child, please pack that at home with your family and add it to the collection on Sunday, November 15. 

Please remember to provide a check for $7 made out to Samaritan's Purse (OCC on the memo line) for each box you bring in. We will have computers for you to make online donations at the packing party.

Please visit the Operation Christmas Child website for ideas and instructions on packing a shoebox gift. Thank you for your generosity and participation in helping children in need experience the love of Jesus.

Please click here to download a "How to Pack a Shoebox Gift" document.

Spanish Lessons with Maria Gonzalez


Have you ever been in a situation that you wished you knew more Spanish? This happens each summer to many on the Guatemala mission team.

Realizing that it takes time to learn a new language, Maria has started offering Spanish lessons on Sunday after our worship gathering. The class meets in the Conference Room at 12:30pm.
Everyone is welcome.

Here is an update from Maria.

I am so encouraged by the progress made by everyone attending. I appreciate your giving up part of your Sunday to learn a language that will be very helpful, even if you don’t have plans to travel to Guatemala; however, once you are able to speak Spanish, I am sure you will decide to join our missions group ministering to the people in my beautiful country.

So… if you haven’t yet joined, give it a try and join us right after our Sunday service and meal.

I am not charging for the lessons, but would like to thank those of you that have been led by the Lord to give a donation.  You have definitely blessed me!

Hope to see many more of you this Sunday!

With a good head start, you too will be able to communicate in Spanish in Guatemala next summer, and beyond!

Essentials of the Spirit Filled Life


On Sunday, August 2, Pastor Stuart completed a series about the Essentials of the Spirit Filled Life. If you have missed the messages or want to hear them again, follow this link to our sermons page. If you receive the Daily Devotional email from Pastor Stuart, he has been sharing some additional thoughts on the topic of Essentials. Click here to view a digest of those messages

If these online resources are helpful for you, please let us know! It is our goal to keep them updated and coming your way! Thank you!

Choosing Love Over Fear

by Kim Nowlin

The morning my daughter Olivia and I were scheduled to leave for Guatemala, I got up to have my quiet time as usual.  But on this morning, I found myself filled with fear. 

My main fear was centered in the fact I would be traveling out of the country alone with my 13 year old daughter.  My other fears were based on the fear of the unknown—just not knowing what to expect. 

Kim, Bella, Moriah, and Olivia

Kim, Bella, Moriah, and Olivia

We also had quite a lot of opposition to getting our trip together—difficulty getting our funding, trying to schedule our vacation to visit my family the week after Guatemala, and a huge hassle getting our passports. 

I began to wonder,“ Should we even go on this trip?” As I sat there crying before the Lord, he gently revealed to me that I pretty much live my whole life in fear.  Afraid of what others might think, scared that things won’t turn out the way want, always afraid that what I do and who I am are never enough. 

And you know what?  He was sadly right.  I had never really attributed the way I lived my life to fear but now I see clearly I have allowed fear to keep me from living the abundant life Jesus came to bring. 

Fear has kept me from being the wife and mother God’s called me to be, it’s kept me from pursuing friendships, it’s keeping me from fully fulfilling God’s call for my life, and it almost kept me from coming to Guatemala. 

God then reminded me of the verse in 1 John 4:18. “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear.”  So awesome that He brought that verse to my attention—God’s love for me is perfect—it actually drives out my fear! 

Had I allowed the fear to remain, I would have missed out on this amazing time in Guatemala.  I would not have seen my daughter step out of her comfort zone as she builds stoves and loves the people she is serving. 

I would have missed out on meeting so many wonderful people—American and Guatemalan.  And I would have missed the sweet kiss from a tiny girl in VBS who just wanted to say ,“thank you.”  

I feel like God is encouraging all of us to, “fear not” and to step out and live the life Jesus came to give.  Stop worrying what other people think—you are enough, you have enough, and you are definitely loved enough. 

Don’t miss out on the amazing life Good has for you!  Now is the time……

-- Kim

Summer Fun Stories


Some people are story tellers and some are story listeners. I tend to lean toward the listening side. After returning from Los Angeles for vacation and getting to write a few reflections about it, I had the thought that quite a few of us have done enjoyable things that are worth sharing. Also, with us all off and doing fun things, we're not always around to share it with one another. Here is a chance for us to catch up!

So here are the stories that have been sent in to me for this article.

Anne Teagarden

"Our biggest fun this summer was a two week family road trip through Utah, Colorado, Wyoming, Yellowstone, Idaho and Nevada. It was fun time as a family and great to get away from cell phone service and email for a week. That much time in the car together definitely creates bonding. 😊"

Thea Smith

Here is my summer in a nutshell:
St. Maarten!
Water fun, sun, time with hubby
5 adorable granddaughters
Little Gym
Raging Waters
Footie Fun soccer
Swimming lessons
Driving, shopping, hanging out with Mom
Family dinners. Fun with friends.
Lost a friend. Cancer!  Hate it.
Back working at my alma mater. Love it.
Retirement?!!! Nah.
Praising God for ALL his blessings.

Lydia Fonceca

This summer I got to go to Los Angeles, twice. Both times I did lots of fun things, but what I enjoyed the most was sitting and hanging out at my Great Grandparents’ pool. It was just a fun time with family, and I think I had my best memories this summer there. 

Carol Phillips

Our special time each summer for the past 20 plus years is at a very remote lake resort in the Mendocino forest.  Back in the 1930's they built a dam (this lake supplies water to Sonoma County) and also built several small cabins for the dam workers.  There are seven families (30 of us)  that go every year the last week of June.  We love this place for several reasons.  The lake is absolutely beautiful, there is no cell phone service, no TV and just plain old family fun time.  There is a small little store with a front porch; and that is where the evening bingo games are held.  There are several areas for campers and a small playground for the kids with a ping pong table (the store provides the paddles and balls).
There are a few other families that come each year at the same time for their family reunion, some from as far away as New Jersey. So all our children and grandchildren have grown up together during that one week each year. Everyone runs to greet each family when they arrive and are amazed it how the children have grown each year.  But my favorite part of this vacation is that this is the one week each year when the children start each day with an adventure, whether it's swimming, or walking the huge logs that separate the swimming area from the boating area, tubing, or boating down to Eagle Rock to see if they can spot the Bald Eagle that lives there throughout the year, or exploring at night with flashlights. No cell phones, no TV just children enjoying the world around them they way I used to when I was a child.  For that one week we are in God's playground.

Judy Higa

I was lucky enough to stay in Paris this summer for 2 weeks with my daughter Reilly and my sister Patty.  We stayed in a beautiful Parisian apartment and rode the metro and walked everywhere!
Every morning my sister and I would enjoy an early morning latte and cappuccino at a café that was owned by Kim a very nice gentleman from Tunisia.  He would welcome us with a smile and have our drinks going as soon as he spotted us.  Every day he would give us an orange from Spain to enjoy later in the day.
The best part of this trip is that I was enjoying the simplest thing every morning with my sister.  I pray that I remember this trip and all the blessings for a very long time. 

Brook Fonceca

A fun memory I have from this summer is my birthday. It was one of the best birthdays I can remember. It started out in true Fonceca tradition with a special breakfast, cards, and a few small gifts. When I came home from the office I was treated to a fantastic meal for dinner. Then it was off to the drive-in for a family movie! We saw Inside Out. The four older kids sat in camping chairs, and Autumn, Lillian, and I got cozy in the back of the van. The whole day was simple, low-key, and fun for everyone! This will be a birthday to remember for a long, long time!

I hope you enjoyed these stories! I would love to do this again in November and hear about your favorite Thanksgiving traditions. I'll send a reminder in early October for submissions. I can't wait!!!

— Brook

Operation Child Christmas Boxes!

If you were with us this past Sunday morning, you were able to join in a unique expression of the generous Spirit! Along with our SCCS students, we packed well over a hundred boxes full of supplies, candy, and toys for children all over the world living in impoverished conditions. It is a very small way of letting them know that they are not forgotten, unloved, or uncared for. Pastor Stu has been to areas in the world where these boxes are sent and seen firsthand how greatly they are appreciated and cherished.

For those who'd like to track their box to see where it's gone to, click here.

Praying with Freedom

"I want men to offer prayers everywhere. They should raise their hands in prayer after putting aside their anger and any quarrels they have with anyone."
1 Timothy 2:8, GWV.

Most followers of Jesus want their prayers to be effective to invite the presence of God in their lives and the lives of others. Paul instructs Timothy in this chapter about the importance of praying for the Lord's hand to be evident in our government, our churches, and in the lives of others.

In this verse, Paul points out that there is some things that hinder our prayers from being effective. The main point is that when we are out of relationship with any person in our lives, we are kept from an effective prayer life. While Paul doesn't elaborate why this is true in this letter, it is clear in other places in the New Testament.

Peter tells us (1 Peter 3) that our prayers are hindered when we are out of relationships with our wives. James tells us we are hindered by our prayer when we do not confess our faults to one another, a relational issue (James 5). Finally, John tells us we are hindered when we do not love others as Jesus loves us (1 John 4).

The effectiveness of our prayer life is intimately connected to our relationships with others. Let's make sure that we are free to love, pray, and minister grace to those around us. In this way, our prayers will rise as an offering to the Lord and bring about pleasure for the One we love to serve, worship, and follow. 

1 Timothy 2


Pastor Stuart 

Why Religion Doesn't Work

You have died with Christ, and he has set you free from the spiritual powers of this world. So why do you keep on following the rules of the world, such as, "Don't handle! Don't taste! Don't touch!"? Such rules are mere human teachings about things that deteriorate as we use them. These rules may seem wise because they require strong devotion, pious self-denial, and severe bodily discipline. But they provide no help in conquering a person's evil desires.
Colossians 2:20-23

One of the chief strategies of Satan is to keep us away from our relationship with Jesus by making us religious. I am not talking about religion as devotion, but religion as following rules and rituals to try to please and appease God. 

When we approach our spiritual life as "dos and don'ts," we place the emphasis on ourselves. We become the "perfecter of our faith." We become the center of worship because we are focusing on "how we are doing." Satan wants our focus to be on ourselves so we can run around and compare ourselves with others.


The spiritual life of a Christian is the opposite. Paul reminds us that we died with Christ. Dead people don't try to become righteous, try to please God, or try to become more devoted. Dead people enjoy the present presence of the Lord. It's great to be dead in Christ because there is nothing you can do but be close to Him. 

Religion has its merits only to humans, not to the Lord. We like religion because it allows us to possess an invisible qualities that we can pretend we have to impress others. We can flaunt and fake our "holiness" by our works, service, bible knowledge, abstinence, and rules. We can become very impressive to others with the right buzz words, and sayings. Paul emphasizes, that only Jesus in our lives means anything. He tells us that religion doesn't work for these reasons. 
First, religion makes us captive to the satanic forces in the world. Pride, anger, hate, arrogance, and selfishness are all spirits of religion. These are things non-followers of Christ people point to as an argument against our faith. 
Second, religion makes us fleshly because we follow the rules of the world rather than the freedom of heaven. These rules are created and passed down by humans and kill our soul. 
Third, religion seems wise because it takes super-human discipline to follow these rules. However, in the end, they simply feed the nature of our desires that take us away from a simple relationship with Jesus. 
Dump your religion today. We have only one thing to focus on. Making Jesus our all. When we do, we will be free from the hassling thoughts that we are not "spiritual enough" to be in His presence.
Colossians 2


Pastor Stuart 

A New School Year

Next week begins our 2014/15 school year! The significance of this and all our activities surrounding it is how it connects us with literally hundreds of families within the Santa Clara community. We get the privilege and honor of being a part of their lives and upbringings. This brings us into relationship with people from all different kinds of backgrounds, nationalities, faiths, and cultures. What amazing experience to be a part of!

We've seen God move in and through Santa Clara Christian School in the past years and we know He is moving and operating now in each of these little lives. Join us in praying that we will have keen eyes for His movement and involvement in all and through all.

If you're interested in more information about Santa Clara Christian School, feel free to email us by clicking here.

It's not "them"

"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places."
Ephesians 6:12, NAS95.

I'm backing up this morning because as I was re-reading this chapter, I was reminded that we live in very real invisible world that influences us and a place where battles for our lives and the lives of others are being waged. One of the lies of Satan is that there is no Satan and no realm of darkness. He wants us to believe that there is no influence of evil in our lives, relationships, and world. He wants us to only see with natural eyes because if we only battle in the natural, He knows we will lose. 

Most of us are looking for natural causes to the problems we have. "It's the economy, the politicians, the religions, the greed, and the dysfunction." While it is true that these are where the fruit of the manifestations of darkness reveal themselves, we have been told that there is an unseen world behind it all. 

This brings me to a quick thought about our relationships. Why do we think that our problems with people are simply natural? When we are in conflict, with spouses, children, co-workers, and friends, there is an unseen force at work. We attempt to work it out and it gets worse.  It is because Satan's strategy is to isolate us from one another. 

There is only one cure. We must bind our hearts in prayer and fight the strategy. Our struggle is not with "them." When you are losing it relationally, especially with family members, simply stop and pray with them. The Holy Spirit will flush out the "forces of this darkness" and you will find peace again. 

Ephesians 6